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Stagecoach Style

Writer's picture: Victoria DoderVictoria Doder

Happy Monday errybodyyyy!!

Some exciting thangs happening and going on...

To begin with, I ACTUALLY went out this weekend... LIKE WHAAAAT?! {if you were one of the victims of my tipsy texts... and you know the one person you are... I apologize}. Anyways, on Saturday I went to Casablanca {a really yummy Mexican restaurant in Venice // Santa Monica area} and had one of the BEST margs of my life and then some fresh fajitas {highly recommended}. I then proceeded to go to the Bungalow in Santa Monica and lemme tell yah... flirting {or just talking with a guy} is NOT one of my fortes. All I talk about are my pups, and yes I also whip out pics and videos of them.

OH but while I was out on Cinco De Mayo, I met Eric Bigger {some of y'all may know him from the Bachelor} and he and I are now buddies {and I think only cause we bonded on the fact that he's good friends with one of my good friends... SMALL FREAKIN WORLD}. Now, I'm not saying this to brag because I truly could care less about the "hot" and "hip" influencers // famous people and honestly I didn't even remember his name when I met him but he was truly one of the most genuine people I have ever met. I have run into a couple of Bachelor people {I won't name names} while out in LA // Santa Monica and I have not been the biggest fans BUT Eric defied my general stereotype.

Another thing -- I now work with a casting agency SO this morning I had to be in Hollywood by 5:45 in the freakin morning to be a background person. For not being a morning person, I am pretty dang impressed with myself. Also, don't bother asking me what show I was working on because honestly I have NO idea. All I know is they had an omelette bar for breakfast and then I was standing in the same place for hours BUT prayers I get some more work soon because yo gurl needs some $$$.

ALSO, if you haven't seen my insta g post from this evening, CHECK IT OUT because it has some info and a big discount that y'all can use... Major game changer BUT I will also post about Persona Nutrition AND Care/Of vitamins in an upcoming post!!


Now that I am done talking your ears off {if you actually felt like reading all of that}, it's time for the main reason of this post: MY STAGECOACH STYLE!!

Dontchuu worry, I am still planning on posting a Stagecoach vlog {once I find my camera lol oops}, and I will be posting a full rundown of Stagecoach BUT I just wanted to share my outfits with y'all because some people had asked me where I got some things.

To be honest, A LOT of what I wore {accessory wise} I already had BUT the clothes were all brand new. I BALLED OUT!!



* My dress was white fox boutique but sold out



* My top // skirt are both actually Showpo {but I couldn't link them} and I added straps because the top was strapless

Dontchuu forget to bop on back on Wednesday!! I promise I will do my best to post in the afternoon {unless I get called for another show} but I will keep y'all updated via my insta g stories... SO ADD ME!!

xoxo V


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