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Diamond Year in California

Considering this is my first year of not being home and relaxing during the summer {except for Europe of course, but my family came to visit me}, it has definitely given me a taste of what “reality” looks like. Working full time, actually going to bed at semi decent hours {but not really because I want to keep my blogging up to date}, finding things to keep me preoccupied while all my friends are in different states, etc… It’s been kinda tough BUT I was lucky enough to go home this past weekend to celebrate my Nana and Grandpa’s 60TH ANNIVERSARY!!


Here’s their love story summed up — When my nana was in 9th grade {13 years old}, the two of them met. They were the same age, and of course my grandpa was a “hot shot” while my nana was more timid and reserved. They dated other people and then after one date my nana knew that she was in love with my grandpa and was going to marry him. My nana went to USC and my grandpas went to UCLA, but the rivalry didn't keep them apart. In their early twenties, the two of them got married and the rest is history…

Now, 60 years later, the whole family was able to align A SINGLE weekend during the summer to get together and celebrate the love that ultimately created our big {and fairly strange} family.

Lucky for me, I was able to head back to California on Thursday after work and did not return back to Texas until Sunday around midnight. We stayed at the Embassy Suites Mandalay Beach Resort and for three full days we had packed schedules; from taking family photos for Christmas cards to playing games of Yahtzee {my first time playing} to indulging in the same food for three days straight.

Every time I go back to California, I always manage to question why I ever left and it makes me reconsider where I want to end up post grad, and boy did this past weekend really leave me feeling like I want to go back.

Now — I sit writing this and watching an episode of Bachelor, I cant help but also think about how much I want to travel. Who is with me?! Does anyone have tips on how to get free flights and lodging?! If you do, please let me know your secrets, as I wanna go on more adventures so I have more to tell y'all about!!

xoxo V

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Currently looking for some job opportunities that relate to my current background & passions but using every excuse I can to travel...

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