What. A. Weekend.
All I can say is that Austin City Limits never ceases to amaze me, and going another year with my best friend just made it THAT much better. On Friday morning, we were on the road in our matching “Body by Pizza” sweatshirts and Starbucks and just a few hours later, we were in Austin with margaritas in our hands.
Now, when people say that location is everything, they weren't kidding. Our AirBNB was absolutely perfect!! Located on 6th Street, LITERALLY right next to the bridge that would take us to the other side of the river; the side that the festival was on. We unpacked, drank up, and got festival ready… Yes, we were “THOSE” girls who were COVERED in flash tats and glitter, but you gotta do, whatcha gotta do. Oh!! Also, if you're not following me on Instagram or Snapchat and didn't get a play by play of our entire day, we managed to become friends with some bartenders in the park and Martin Garrix’s security dudes… WE WOUND UP WITH HIS BAG OF SKITTLES {but by the end of the day were too worn out to get ourselves to be “cool” and hang out with them}.

On day two, we decided to sleep in rather than hit the morning sets… Best decision E.V.E.R. By noon we Yelped and made it to a super cute brunch restaurant named Snooze, and a couple of mimosas later we were ready to officially start our day. Who knew that running around on a field, pushing drunk people out of the way to get to the front of stages, and paying WAYYYY too much money for water would be so fun?! Tove Lo flashed the crowd again {but still love her… second time seeing her since London}, Alison Wonderland was great, another dude was LIT {and i got to touch his hand}, and Red Hot Chili Peppers were AH-MAZING per usual {fourth time seeing them}. Also, because Red Hot Chili Peppers were the last we saw, we managed to meet a group of guys that we ended up becoming friends with and planned to hang out with for day three. Once day two was over though, we ended it with In-N-Out and then went to bed.

Day three we tried not to sleep in as late because we knew we had quite some work to do considering it was Sunday and we were going to be in Austin until the last set. By 10:30 in the morning, got ready and we checked out of our AirBNB. Thank goodness for the Starbucks that was just down the road from us because it was there that we were able to work on school stuff for about two hours, until we were surprised by the guys we met the night before.Megan and I gave ourselves about twenty more minutes and then we headed to their appointment, a little further down 6th Street {which was extremely convenient}, parked in the garage, and met them in the penthouse game room. With a STUNNING view of the city, we popped some champagne, blasted some music, and prepared for one last day on the hot field.

It was definitely a late night spent at Zilker Park, but the atmosphere made it TOTALLY worth it and Megan and I had a BLAST!! By two in the morning, we made it back to Fort Worth and ready for our 9 a.m. tennis class {lol}. It was an exhausting weekend for sure, but filled with so many memories!! Now, we just need to get through the rest of this week BECAUSE THIS WEEKEND WE ARE NEW YORK CITY BOUND BABY!!
I’ll give y'all an update once I’m back in Texas, but until then, feel free to follow me on insta g {@victoriadoder} or on Snapchat {victoriadoder} for more minute by minute updates… I promise you that we’ll be super fun and entertaining!! Until then, feel free to send me a check so that I can go on a trip and write another blog post of you {just kidding… kinda}. Have a FABULOUS week!!
xoxo v