For those of you who were aware of my plan to surprise my family back in America {which is maybe about four of you} a week prior to when they expected… IT WORKED!!
Words cannot even begin to explain the experience I had while I was in Europe, but it has finally come to an end and it is officially time to begin a new chapter of my life… I can honestly say that I am sad to be home because of all the memories and friends I mad during my time abroad, but being greeted in the arms of my own family was also one of the best feelings in the world.
On my last night of being in Barcelona, two of my roomies and I decided to head to the best lookout in the city, which was absolutely STUNNING, and then I had to head back to my place to finish packing up my European life into three suitcases.

I didn't actually finish packing up until around one in the morning WHICH WAS TERRIBLE considering the Barcelona Airport was on strike so the latest I was told to leave for the airport was three {in order to catch an eight o'clock flight}. Running on about an hour and a half of sleep, I loaded up a taxi, spoke Spanish for my last time {hopefully} in a while, and then was headed to the airport {five hours before my flight}.
When I arrived at the airport, it was an absolute CLUSTER!! People were camped out and sleeping on the floor, all the registers were closed, nothing food-wise was open, and not one worker was seen. Not to mention, the tax refund window was closed sooooo I could get any of my money back for any of my big purchases. ANDDDDD, not to mention, I had never flown Norwegian {which is pretty nice but I don't recommend}, so for an overweight back I paid WAY TOO MUCH {sorry dad} to get it back home.
After finally making it through security, three hours later, I waited for my flight to Sweden and when I finally arrived there, I sent my mama a picture of Positano so that she knew “I had made it there safely and would be there the next week.” A couple of pictures later, I boarded my next fourteen hour flight and was off to LAX where my brother met me to help with the surprise. Within an hour of being in Los Angeles, my ENTIRE family was stunned to see me. Jaws were dropped to the ground and tears were shed…

Then came the flow of the “HOW WAS EUROPE?!” questions, and let me tell you, there is not one single way to answer that question because of how I learned about the world, relationships, and myself. I know it’s for sure going to take some getting used to, being back in America, but I canNOT wait until the next time I am given the opportunity to travel back.
Now I have about a week and a half in California, about twelve doctors appointments to attend, and I have to unpack my one life and pack up my life once more to head back to Texas… Stay tuned!!
xoxo v