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Mallorca, Spain

Just your typical “pre-finals beach weekender” to Mallorca… Yup, we went to the beach AGAIN; however, this is a trip that basically EVERYBODY in our TCU program booked the first week we arrived in Madrid. Although we all embarked on the trip together, Megan and I stayed in the Las Palmas region of Mallorca at a hotel along the beach, so we did not see the rest of the “crew” until it was time to head back to Madrid. By seven in the morning we were all at the airport in Madrid and by ten in the morning we were all at the airport in Mallorca.

Upon our arrival to the hotel, we were greeted with a “welcome drink” and then headed straight to find food. Because we hadn't eaten since the night before, we were STARVING: Megan craving McDonald’s {because it was right next to our hotel} and me craving something else {because I don't even remember the last time I had fast food}. As we began our search for food, we stumbled upon the ABSOLUTE CUTEST restaurant {named BONITO} that was just along the boardwalk. The interior was extremely colorful, the food ranged from burgers to tacos to thai, and they had the “typical” beachy cocktails. The atmosphere was PERFECT and even though it was a cloudy and windy day, just being at the beach was yet another needed break from school. We ate our tacos and pad thai, sipped on our strawberry margaritas, and talked for quite some time, and before it was time to go we took a pitstop to the bathroom which was also so stinkin cute!!

Following our delicious lunch, we decided to walk to the end of the boardwalk; getting stopped by Germans trying to get us to party and stopping in the lil cheap-o shops {yes we made necessary purchases for our houses next semester… roomies get ready}. Continuing our walk, we heard bumpin music and saw tons of people walking in and out of a certain door so we decided to check it out. Turns out we stumbled across one of the infamous clubs of Mallorca, and if I were to compare it to something, I would probably say it was a three story Springfest {but instead of dirndls people were all in bathing suits or wearing weird matching outfits}. Everybody on the island was TRASHED!! It felt good to get out of there and make it to our hotel for a quick nap and rejuvenation.

That night we decided would be our night to go out because we knew we had to get at least SOME of our paper done {You know… The sixteen page ones that I talked about doing in the Canary Islands… The ones we didn't start}. ANYWAYS, we got in what we figured would be “going out clothes,” which consisted of cute rompers and wedges and were on our way out the door. We got stares from EVERYONE because not only was it decently cold and windy out {we only packed for the warmth} BUT the going out clothes on the island consisted of sandals and shorts or jeans and Converse. We were overdressed, but whatever. We went to another restaurant along the beach for drinks and dinner and then headed back to the three story club. Honestly, it was pretty overrated, we got to pass everyone and go to the top where we got drinks; however, we only lasted about an hour there before we went back to the hotel to go to sleep. Basically, we just observed the people below us, watched some dancers on poles, and then I got offered coke from someone… It was not a place that either of us thrived.

We had the chance to sleep in, so we did, allowing enough time to go to the hotel’s breakfast buffet. After eating fruit and croissants we went straight to the beach. Laying in lounge chairs, soaking up the sun, and taking in our last “study abroad trip.” People walking up and down the beach constantly kept asking us to purchase copies of designer bags or monkeys and there were also little asian ladies offering people ten euro massages. I don't think ten minutes went by that we weren't being called “sexy bananas” or having to turn down the little sellers.

By the time lunch rolled around, we headed down the boardwalk and tried another lunch place that gave us a good people watching location, and even better salads and passion fruit pina coladas. One of the best abroad meals I have had!! And after eating, we headed back to our lounge chairs for a couple more hours before we went up to our room to shower, FINALLY BEGIN our final papers, and watch the sunset. Once it was {Spanish} time for dinner we walked to the party end of the boardwalk and scored with the BEST table at the restaurant that boarded the boardwalk and a main square. Reasons for making it the best seat in the restaurant? We had street performers dance for us, we witnessed all the little sellers making sales to drunk people, we were offered fake Michael Kors bags with weed {which we kindly denied}, etc…

Following dinner, it was time to head back to the hotel and pack up our stuff. To say we ended our study abroad with a bang would be an understatement. I can not begin to explain how fortunate I am to have been able to explore so many countries not many people have been to. I have walked thousands of steps, I have explored the unknown {while being extremely careful}, and I have probably walked hundreds of miles {which is totally necessary considering how much food I have digested}. Stay tuned for more updates in regards to me finishing school and beginning my internship in Barcelona!! I CAN’T WAIT TO KEEP Y’ALL UPDATED!!

xoxo V

PS: Sorry for the lack of photos this trip!! I didn't want my phone burning up in the sun, and there was nothing really to have photoshoots of this time.

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Currently looking for some job opportunities that relate to my current background & passions but using every excuse I can to travel...

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