I don’t know if I should begin with the fact we had to be on a plane at seven in the morning OR that we had one of the best times in the Canary Islands. Booking our trip just two days before departure, and having the best luck ever, I would definitely go back to either Las Palmas {the island we went to} or try out another island. A weekend filled with the sun on our faces, sand beneath our feet, and champagne is what we needed.
We arrived at the airport in Las Palmas early enough to have a full day of sun so we went immediately to the hotel {Gloria Palace Royal Hotel & Spa: which I highly recommend}, were greeted with a few glasses of champagne, and then headed to our room that had an amazing view of the beach. Within minutes, we were in our kinis and taking Instagram photos to update our followers before we hit the beach. Because our hotel was on the side of a cliff, allowing for a panoramic view of the beach, all we had to do was walk about five minutes and then we were walking on white sand. With views of the clear and glistening water and nude tanning, we were sure to keep our eyes on the water.
Frying ourselves for a couple of hours; trading off between the water in the cove to cool us off and our burning beach towels, we definitely got our dose of vitamin D. Also, the neat thing about the beach was it was lined with a BUNCH of different food places. Although, they looked kinda sketchy {European restaurants really like providing menus with pictures of food that does not look appetizing}, we indulged our “beach bodies” and ate two big pizzas. Calories were well worth it, as were the calories we indulged in at our hotel’s buffet dinner before a good night’s sleep. LET ME TELL YOU THOUGH… I ALMOST CAUGHT THE HOTEL ON FIRE!! Based on our love for carbs, we hit up the bread section and personally I wanted my roll warmed up. Long story short, my roll got caught in the toaster, Megan said we should just walk away, but before we knew it the roll was on fire and the toaster was steaming. It all turned out just fine though!! I got some help, we went to our table, and the toaster was working just perfectly.

Again, another day passed of us basically doing the exact same thing… Switching between the crystal clear water and the scorching sun. Letting the sun burn us, until we wanted to to burn no more {and also figured it would be a good time to work on a sixteen page paper we both had to do}. To say the least, the papers did NOT get done, we didn't even open up our computers to begin them; the only thing we used a computer for was to play some music and jump on the bed. After exercising {which consisted of jumping on the bed for almost thirty minutes} mainly for cute pictures, we walked down to the beach in order to catch the sunset and eat.

The lazy days seemed to be going by pretty fast, which sucked because that meant we had one more day of fun before it was back to the reality of writing papers and studying for finals. After sleeping in to about ten in the morning, we hopped in our matching Frankie’s Bikinis {that we had ships to Megan’s mama} and were ready to start the day. First with pictures, then with breakfast, and finally our massages. Although the massages at the hotel were not fabulous, we got a discount and only had to pay thirty euros for forty-five minutes!! Following our moment of relaxation, we changed into kinis {enabling us to tan}, headed down to the beach for a couple hours, and then wound up at our hotel’s infinity pool that provided us with the BEST view of the beach’s cove. With the day coming to an end, we washed up and headed back down to the beach for our final sunset dinner.

Last morning in Gran Canaria, we wanted it to be a decently early one. We headed immediately to the to the breakfast buffet and treated ourselves to mini pancakes and mimosas and then went straight back to our room to get in kinis one last time. With only a couple hours to spare, we hung out, in and by the pool, for as long as we could and soaked up the sun one last time before we were forced to leave paradise and head back to Madrid. It was a very relaxing beach break that I would say was completely necessary, and I would LOVE to go back!! I have missed the beach WAY too much and CANNOT wait to head to Mallorca next weekend!!

xoxo V