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Madrid, Te Amo

Soooo… I am starting to realize how much I suck at keeping promises in relation to updating may blog often because of my time being consumed doing other things here in Madrid. Honestly, I am beginning to like it more and more. I think that ever since the night somebody pick pocketed my phone, from my purse, at the club, a few days ago, I just have been WAY more aware. ALSO, my dad was so sweet and let me get a new phone immediately, so thanks for that daddy {if you're reading this}!!

Also, If you have been reading my other posts, then you know that I was NOT a fan of the food here; however, after trying new places that more local people {and promoters} recommended, the food is starting to grow on me. TODAY I WENT TO A TACO PLACE {named Tako}, THAT ONE TACO WAS PRICED FOR ONLY ONE EURO!! I am TOTALLY a fan of that, and its only about a ten minute walk from my place. When I was there, I also learned how to say “avocado” in Spanish, which was pretty helpful too, cause if you know me, that is one of my FAVORITE foods!! Additionally, we found a place that is IDENTICAL to Chipotle {yes guac is extra there too but they're extremely generous with portions}, and one bowl with water {ps: water is more expensive than beer here} was only eight euros. For those of you {hopefully} coming to visit me, don't worry I have been keeping tabs on all of the places that are actually yummy, and if I don't even know you but you're keeping up with my blog and planning a visit to Madrid, feel free to reach out to me and I can send you a list!!

Now in regards to school… That hasn't even begun… We STILL haven't even chosen our classes!! Classes at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid don't begin until next Wednesday, and we don't even register until Monday and Tuesday {and yes I am stressing cause I DO NOT want classes on Friday}. We had orientation the other day and EVERYTHING was spoken in Español, so thank goodness for slideshows. The university is ranked as one of the TOP international schools, has twenty thousand students {in relation to TCU which is probably half the size}, and if you miss two days of a given class, you will fail that course. Guess I have to actually go to class…

Enough about classes a school though… Y'all would hear ENOUGH about that {most likely} once I begin school. Now obviously the main reason of studying abroad is NOT to study {yes my parents said that too, so it’s okie that I am saying this}, it’s to travel and to explore new places. It didn't hit me, until yesterday, when I was trying to figure out weekend trips, that there are NOT enough weekends to travel to ALL of the places I want to go to!! I also did not realize how difficult it was to plan everything out: cheap roundtrip flights {thanks Ryanair}, a place to stay {air bnb, hostel, or hotel}, and what to do {Pinterest has been my main tool of research}. With all this in mind, I am also beginning to realize that I am going to have to pack three days worth of clothes, toiletries, etc… into one small backpack in order to not be charged extra for flying Ryanair, but that’s something I will have to worry about when the time comes… aka NEXT WEEK!! I have already booked a trip to Belgium, Mallorca, Dublin, AND Paris!! I definitely have some more planning though for other trips, I just want to wait a little bit because who knows if I’ll meet a fun group of people at school that I will want to plan trips with?!

Speaking of meeting people, I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how people here survive!! The way they rally EVERY SINGLE night is just mind-blowing to me… I have had a multitude of club promoters reach out to me about getting free entry, bottle service, and tables at clubs {even on Sunday!!}, and it’s just INSANE to me!! We eat lunch around one or two ish, we typically walk around or shop, and then around six in the evening we head home for a three hour nap in order to wake up and get ready for a ten o'clock dinner. After dinner and drinks, we then come back to our apartment {because we have the pregame place} and drink more, and then we proceed to go to bars and then clubs until six in the morning!! Honestly, I have no idea how I am going to be able to do this every weekend because I LOVE my sleep; however, my sleeping schedule is WAY off at this point.

Now that you guys are all caught up with BASICALLY everything, today was my first actual day of not having anything planned in correlation with my school’s program. I was SO nice because I was able to sleep in until around ten this morning {after getting home around 5.. I know I’m weak for coming home early}, and personally I could've slept longer but our phone kept ringing and nobody was answering it. It ended up being some lady in the same apartment complex as us, asking me in Spanish if we could turn down our blasting music, and thank goodness I could understand for the most part cause we weren't playing any music and I just wanted to go back to sleep. I couldn't get myself to go back though, so instead I ended up making myself eggs {which are not refrigerated here… weird… I know} and avocado toast.

Once I was done eating and whatnot, my roomie, her boyfriend, and I decided to walk twenty minutes to Parque De Retiro, which is absolutely BEAUTIFUL park full of so many fun things!! There’s a little lake where you can rent paddle boats, there is a multitude of different statues and water fountains, a glass palace, black swans, a running path, etc… It was GORGEOUS and it was so nice having the chance to take a break from the apartment and // or shopping, just to explore and get fresh air. I canNOT wait to go back and explore more because there was still so much of the park left to wander!!

Madrid, te amo!!

xoxo v

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Currently looking for some job opportunities that relate to my current background & passions but using every excuse I can to travel...

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