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Adios America

Hello hello!!

I have finally embarked on the journey of a lifetime; the new chapter of my life in which I get to live in Europe {primarily Madrid and Barcelona} and adventure throughout multiple countries. Honestly, it hasn't quite hit me yet that I am leaving my friends and family in America for about eight{ish} months, but I know it will eventually catch up to me {yes mama I will probably end up crying like you too}. Also currently watching the movie Pets as I type this out so I apologize in advance for any grammar errors… I’ve already watched Bad Moms, napped for about an hour, eaten some amazing meals {surprisingly}, etc… ALSO, if you have never sat in a little pod of a long flight and ever have the chance, I really recommend you try it out cause its super spacious and fun {so thank you dad!!}. Honestly, feeling super pampered, especially considering I started off my flight from Dallas to Madrid with a glass of champagne in my hand {and I didn't even get carded!!}

I’ll admit that packing was a struggle… Having to pack clothes, shoes, bags {school backpack}, toiletries, medicine, and vitamins for eight months into three suitcases is HARDDD!! First of all, there are places in Europe that are snowing {currently in Madrid its been a low of 26 and a high of 52}, yet during the summer it could reach up to the low hundreds. That being said, I had to fit not only eight months worth of clothing into those suitcases, but clothes for all four seasons. That being said, my mama DEFINITELY took into consideration that meds and vitamins cost more in Europe SOOO lets just say I can practically open up my own pharmacy once I’m already there. If anyone is needing help with the packing department then I gotchuu cause I’m pretty proud of my packing abilities if I must say so myself.

Goodbyes are another thing you have to keep in mind if you are leaving home for such a long time period… Although it hasn't kicked in yet, goodbyes are SUCH a weird concept to grasp. For the most part, it’s not like its forever, yet sometimes people who you haven't seen for long periods {even sometimes longer than the amount you'll be gone} reach out to you. I will admit it was awesome catching up with people who I haven't seen // talked to in forever but the hardest goodbye if I had to narrow it down would be my fambam {so shoutout to y'all if you're reading this}. I said bye to my good girl friends, met up for lunch, met up for coffee, had movie night, cooked together, played games together, etc… Not to mention, I had to say bye to a multitude of people, a month prior to my departure in Texas. Those were pretty hard too cause not only were they done earlier, but they were also rushed cause I was attempting to pack up my life in Texas and transfer it all to my storage unit.

Anyways, I’m sitting in my lil personal cubby basically as I said earlier and I really don't know how to compare my time to all of y'all reading my blog since I don't know where everybody is from BUT if it helps, its 10:05 PM in California and midnight in Texas, and I land in about three hours {so around 10:00 AM Spain time}. I will be landing in Madrid just in time to begin a brand new day… Check into the school where I will find out who I am living with {and where my apartment is located}, maybe take a shower and nap {since I am running on a total of maybe five{ish} hours of sleep total the past two days}, get some groceries to start out the week, and then meet up with whatever friends I will be making. To clarify to those of you who don't know, I applied to this study abroad program without knowing ANYBODY. Luckily at the first meeting, one of my good guy friends was going too {but he's doing a homestay with one of his friends} and then I mutually knew two other girls {but they had already made arrangements to room together}. This is a new beginning for me. Nothing // no one is holding me back.

I can’t wait to keep you all updated on my fun travels and adventures. I hope you all enjoy reading the things I post, and I hope they are somewhat of interest to you. Mama and Daddy, I hope you two don't miss me too much… just know I am only a text away or a phone call // FaceTime away {if I have internet}. I know its hard sending your baby off BUT HEY it gives you a reason to travel and visit me!! I have so so many fun adventures planned!! SOOO many amazing places to see and so many new // fun experiences to take part in… I promise I will keep you all updated, and I hope you all become avid readers of my blog {if you want to get notifications for when I post something new, scroll to the bottom of the page and fill out the “Get Connected” post-it looking thing}!!

Stay tuned cause this chapter in my life is: to be continued…

xoxo v

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Currently looking for some job opportunities that relate to my current background & passions but using every excuse I can to travel...

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